Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Sneak Peak!

Banana Blueberry Sorbet
I tossed this together for the boy last night.  He really liked my Lemoncello Sorbet (at least once it froze) and when I found blueberries buy 1 get 1 free at the store I grabbed a bunch figuring he'd want some blueberry pocket pies.  Instead he requested another sorbet!  

gosh its been a long time...

I'm not quite sure what happened to May.  It seemed like 4 long weeks of dreary rain, 50 degree weather and stress buckets from everyone around me.  I somehow decided to skip several weeks of food shopping at Whole Foods and the lack of J-acceptable meats combined with the collective anxiety of a husband in law school finals and a sister in her first end of the year finals + packing drama really sent me over the edge and into mess-ville.  But, I survived, got my sister packed, shipped, stored and on an airplane; my husband is finished with school for the year and finished with his two week sit on the couch and not move recovery period and we had a gorgeous Memorial Day weekend that shouted SUMMER as loud as it could and I made Lemoncello Sorbet.  Successfully this time :)

I'm also now biking in skirts to work and not getting cold.  Life is good. 

I found this recipe on this amazing blog:  And Now for Something Completely Delicious 
I stumbled onto this gem of a foodie blog when I discovered her Banana Streusel Coffee Cake (pictures coming soon!) and have several more recipes in my To-Try list.

The last time I attempted this sorbet I accidentally heated up the lemon juice along with the sugar, lemoncello and water and it just never set properly.  I also carried across town to a clothing exchange, which may be why it was so slushy and not sorbet-y.  At least that's what I thought at the time.  This attempt I actually managed to follow the directions (sometimes that's harder than it should be) and remembered to keep the lemon juice for after the syrup was boiled.

One of my pet peeves when it comes to ice cream machines is that often, it takes two days to make any recipe.  First you boil the syrup/flavors then you cool it overnight and the next day you freeze it in the machine and even then most times extra freezing is required to get the non-soupy texture that you're looking for.  My dad loves soupy homemade vanilla ice cream. He also uses a recipe that doesn't require any cooling and don't get me wrong, he makes a rocking vanilla but some of those two day, more complicated recipes really do have superior flavor.  So I guess its a trade off.

Unless you want a Lemoncello Slushy, be sure to have plenty of freezing time.  The texture from my picture at the top took 2 days of extra freezing.  and idk maybe I'm doing something wrong.   In the end though, it doesn't matter, because even completely melted this sorbet is amazing and perfect for a hot summer afternoon.