Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Strawberry Success

Spring is here and so are strawberries!  Lately my local store has been offering them 2 for 1 and every time I pass by I have to grab some.  Growing up, I really didn't appreciate the fabulousness that is berries.  Our house in Iowa had a giant raspberry bush in the backyard that exploded every summer leaving my Mom frantic to find storage in the freezer for all the berries and during high school my Dad built a strawberry patch and we had fresh wild berries.  I completely ignored them.  What a waste!  Now that I'm awake to the wide world of amazing food, I'd kill for a nice little bush or patch to grow tasty things in.  My new apartment however, isn't very garden friendly and I think I'm going to have to settle for a topsy turvy.  Sad, I know.  

My lemon poppyseed muffins sat quietly on the counter all week and no one ate them :(  I was too busy scarfing down the lemon curd and J decided (without telling me) that he wasn't a big fan.  So this weekend when I was feeling bakey I decided to make something I KNEW would get eaten.  Even if it's all by me. 

Strawberry Lemon Scones.   

All weekend, I wandered into the kitchen looking for something to snack on while I was reading with my cup of tea.  I really wanted to make some homemade biscuits, but I didn't have all the ingredients and really didn't want to head to the store.   Scones were the next best option and they didn't disappoint.  I followed this recipe, from What's Cookin, Chicago? and it was easy, quick and rather messy.  Just how I usually bake :)

Check out her blog for all the details, here are a few pictures of the mess I made!

These took maybe 15 minutes to mix together and only another 15 to bake.  I maybe made them before dinner....and then ate 2!  Sometimes, dessert first is just how it has to be. 

1 comment:

caitlin said...

oh my gosh, yum. i've been thinking about strawberry shortcake so much lately and this is basically the same thing--'tis the season!

speaking of strawberries, audrey at homerunballerina made strawberry lobster risotto that looks AMAZING and i would totally make it if i ate seafood.