Monday, January 24, 2011

weekend in review

I had a great weekend, despite the freezing weather.  Along with plenty of cups of hot tea, here's what it was full of:

Two fantastic loaves of Guinness Beer Bread (the first loaf disappeared in a day and as you can see, I couldn't even get a picture of the second before my husband dug in!)

The latest Vogue delivered to my door:
The book  I had ordered earlier in the week didn't arrive in time for the weekend so I reread Cast in Chaos.  It's number six in a series I've been reading since 2008 and I love it.  Lots of great fantasy, a hint of romance and world-ending danger. 

I also met up with my little sister for a lazy lunch at P.F. Changs, made an oven version of Beer Can Chicken, and had plenty of afternoon naps with the B-man.  I even remembered to set the coffee machine to automatic before I went to bed.  Not too shabby at all.

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